
Headquartered in Chevy Chase, Maryland, Caro is committed to supporting local and underrepresented businesses. Caro’s General Partner will donate a portion of carried interest profits from its flagship fund to The Chauncey Harrison Williams, Jr. and Carolyn Ousley Williams Family Foundation, a not-for-profit dedicated to aiding young people to achieve their life’s ambition through access to education. The Foundation will initially support educational scholarships and/or programming at educational institutions, including but not limited to institutions that helped shape the family’s life experiences, amongst other goals.

Chauncey Harrison Williams, Jr. and Carolyn Ousley Williams’ life-long commitment to education was indirectly responsible for the formation of Caro. Diverse-owned firms oversee 1.4% of total assets under management in the US financial industry.1The Foundations’ investment in education is aimed at increasing the pipeline of talent in the investment management industry, along with many other industries wherein there is underrepresentation and/or structural inequities persist.

1Knight Diversity of Asset Managers Research Series: Asset Management Industry, April 15, 2024.